
My Story

On March 15, 1995 a friend from Midway Baptist Church in Trussville, AL invited me to go with her and some friends to a presentation of Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames at Ridgecrest Baptist Church in Center Point, AL. My life would never be the same.

For the first time in my life I saw and understood what Jesus had done for me and what I needed to do to be saved - believe. That night I was born again.

I had grown up around other Christians and I knew much about the Bible and church, but I failed to see how God intended for it to make a difference in my life. I had failed to trust Christ with being the LORD of my life. I was "the boss" of my life and I intended to remain in control.

However, by God's sovereign grace, my eyes were opened to the truth that I was separated from God because of my choices, my immorality, my sin, and that I was incapable of saving myself. The payment for my sin was death and eternal separation from God. I could not earn my forgiveness, and I could never be free from the power of sin without Jesus Christ setting me free.

Now I praise God with all that I am because on that very night I understood that Jesus had already paid for my sin!

My part was simply to believe that Jesus had taken my punishment, and receive His gift of forgiveness and eternal life. WOW!

I did just that. And, I distinctly remember saying something like, "Lord, please forgive me of my sin. I give You my heart and my life - everything I am - it's Yours. I surrender to You."

My response to the experience of being "Born Again" was and is total gratitude. In looking back at it, I know I was completely helpless and hopeless on my own. Even the faith to believe was a gift.

I didn't cause my second birth. He did. He pursued me and had been for the first half of my life - 15 years. Once I reached the age I could understand, I rejected him over and over. Yet, he was merciful and never gave up on me.

Thank you, Father, for Your amazing love!

Thank you, Jesus, for making a way by Your own blood.

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for Your relentless pursuit of my sinful soul.

Thank you, dad and mom, for taking me to church and doing your best to teach me as a child.

Thank you, friend (wherever you are), for inviting me that night.

And, thank you, brothers and sisters in Christ, for helping me in a thousand ways grow to be more like Christ.

The first 15 years knowing Christ have changed everything about me. After today, I'll have walked with Jesus longer that I walked without Him and I can't wait to experience what's next!

Those of you who are reading this: Jesus loves you and wants to save you too. Jesus has a great plan for your life. You can be born again just like I was fifteen years ago. God could very well be using this letter to open your eyes to these same truths. Only you can know. Either way, I'm praying for you!

Please let me know if there is a more specific prayer I can pray for you

In Christ Alone!

B.J. Price