
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Groaning of the Needy

Today's full One Year Bible readings:
Genesis 30:1-31:16 ~ Matthew 10:1-23 ~ Psalm 12:1-8 ~ Proverbs 3:13-15

In Psalm 12 the worshiper expresses the cry of his heart to the Lord about the rise of wickedness among those in authority. It is truly a dismal sight to behold. Yet, God is not blind; He sees and knows the works of all men. We can be sure of this, he will not restrain His justice forever; the Day - His Day - of Judgment will come.

5 "Because of the oppression of the weak
and the groaning of the needy,
I will now arise," says the LORD.
"I will protect them from those who malign them."

6 And the words of the LORD are flawless,
like silver refined in a furnace of clay,
purified seven times.

Psalm 12:5-6 (NIV)

Today, as an act of worship, be fully transparent with the Lord about your feelings and concerns for what you see in the world. Just read or watch the news and express your deepest groaning to the Lord; God is big enough to handle it.

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