
Friday, September 30, 2005

Are We Practicing What He Preached?

Jesus closes His “sermon on the mount” with a very gripping illustration of two carpenters who build houses. (Matthew 7:24-27) All builders know that any structure must have a sure foundation if it is going to stand very long. However, the first carpenter builds his house on the Rock, but the second one builds his house on the sand.

It should not surprise us to learn that when the storms came only the house that was built on the rock remained. The house that was built on the sand was completely destroyed.

The smart man, who built his house on the Rock, is the man who heard Jesus’ teaching and acted on it. The man who built his house on the sand is ignorant because he too heard Jesus’ teaching, but ignored it and it cost him everything. Our lesson is to carefully follow Jesus’ teaching; don't ignore it or brush it off!

Today, as an act of worship, let’s make a quick list of the things that God has told us to do lately. Review the list carefully. Now let’s be sure to follow through with everything God has already spoken to us about. Why should God give us a fresh word of instruction for daily living, if we have not yet acted on what he has already given us?

Food for thought and comment: Have you ever “built your house on the sand” and when the storms of life came you lost everything? What did you learn in the aftermath?

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