
Friday, September 23, 2005

Who Wants Money?

People have been known to do many things with their money. Some general practices are: becoming wealthy, planning for retirement, building an inheritance, and planning that dream vacation. Still others simply save “for a rainy day!” How sad it is to know that everything has its proper place in life and still so many people never seem to get things in order.

God wants every true worshiper to walk close to Him daily. Jesus reminds us that we cannot serve two masters (Matt 6:24); and it is so true. We cannot spend our whole life living for God, serving His purposes in our generation, and at the same time exhaust all our strength and resources to attain material possessions. The paths of either #1) serving God or #2) serving ourselves are contrary to each other.

So how can we know whom we are serving? We can know simply by opening our checkbook or looking over our bank statements. Jesus said it this way, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21) By seriously considering how we expend our financial resources we can check our spiritual temperature and discover exactly how deep our walk with God is.

If we desire to worship God today we must seriously evaluate “where our treasure is.” Lets ask the Lord to help us in the area of financial stewardship. I hope you will join me today in a time of prayer.

A prayer of confession: I am agreeing with God about the real condition of my financial stewardship.

A prayer of repentance: I am changing the way I spend my money. It is no longer my money; it is God’s money.

A prayer of thanksgiving: I am thankful that God has opened my eyes to His eternal truth about managing my finances as an act of worship.

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