Over the course of eight years in vocational ministry one issue has continued to surface in my personal life that brings me great concern. It is the issue of "balance".
I think it was Dr. Seaus who said in O The Places You Will Go that "Life's a great balancing act!" This is a true statement as I am sure you can testify. We each fill many different roles and wear many hats in each role. For example: I am a Christ follower, husband, father, son, brother, friend, provider, helper, fixer, disciple maker, worship leader, program director, dish washer, clothes folder, diaper changer, floor moper, team leader, car driver, devotional writer, small group leader and I could go on and on by simply describing the activities I am actively involved in. You get the point. But, don't miss this! Some of these roles are part time and some are full time. Some are temporary and some are eternal.
Today we continue our look at Christian service by trying to define the boundaries. Much of life is a balancing act that we must navigate successfully. If we fail to find balance we will find ourselves emotionally and physically bankrupt. We must learn to live with healthy margins in place. (I'll share more about margins later.) However, hear me say this; there is no such thing as a part time Christian! Furthermore, we should not attempt to compartmentalize our Christian service.
Being a Christ follower is more than a life long commitment; it is a new person that we become. "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" (2 Corinthians 5:17)
I think where we get off track is when we buy into the idea that we "go to church." That is so wrong! We do not go to church; we are the church. Living for Christ is living everyday all day for him. Christian service is not something we only do at church. In fact, if we will get our heads and our hands around this concept we will radically increase our Christian service.
The Bible says it this way, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." (Colossians3:23)
1 comment:
Although I am extremely thankful that you are a "dish washer, clothes folder, floor moper, and diaper changer", I am mostly thankful that you are the spiritual leader of our home. We still have a long way to go, but we have come so far! I love you!
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