
Monday, June 29, 2009

Praise the Lord! (Psalm 146 & 147)

It's good to be back. I never intended to take nearly two months off from posting here on the blog, but, in the spirit of full disclosure, I got so busy that something had to give. That's not to say that I've not spent time in God's Word each day, but I've just not taken the time to post about my journey here on the blog. I'm confident I gain more from these writings than anyone else. Writing helps me process what I'm reading much better than when I simply read it. Anyway, that being the case, it's good to be back!

This morning I've been greatly encouraged and strengthened by Psalms 146 and 147. The Psalmist reminds us of the nature of God and the blessings that come to those who put their hope in God. (146:5)

5 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD his God,

6 the Maker of heaven and earth,
the sea, and everything in them—
the LORD, who remains faithful forever.

7 He upholds the cause of the oppressed
and gives food to the hungry.
The LORD sets prisoners free,

8 the LORD gives sight to the blind,
the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down,
the LORD loves the righteous.

9 The LORD watches over the alien
and sustains the fatherless and the widow,
but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.

Psalm 146:5-9

I love reading verses seven through nine very slowly and contemplating the significance of God's heart for the oppressed, hungry, prisoners, humble, righteous, and wicked.

As I did that simple exercise, these questions began to surface in my mind: "Do I uphold the cause of the oppressed? Do I give food to the hungry? Do I care about those in prison? Do I care for foreigners, orphans, and widows?"

These were terribly convicting questions for me because I know that God desires this of me, and, I know that without God's grace and strength I am hopelessly self centered. What about you?

Today, as an act of worship, let the words of scripture stir your heart. Respond to what God is teaching you by mirroring His faithful heart!

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